Monday, 26 April 2010

Evaluation Question 1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In our group’s thriller production ‘infatuation’, it shows us reference to many different thriller films we have look at in class in how it has influenced our thriller. For example the costumes are reasonably smart and sleek with the male character wearing a suit and the female wearing a dress which we got the idea from the opening scene of ‘sin city’.

Other thriller films also influenced us on numerous occasions like the idea of locations of ‘the third man’ at the beginning in the train station.

We also used the location of a train station as our thriller’s sub genre is more of a physiological than anything else. This essay suggests that train stations serve as a psychological metaphor and have a psychological role: the empty space creates a sense of psychological panic, of isolation, of vulnerability, of being watched, etc.

The use of our soundtrack was to try and make the film production seem unsettling and eerie but as well as fitting to the shots. We had done this by using an instrumental song with quite a depressing tone and which then fits in with the plot of the film opening.

The story name is called ‘infatuation’ which is also another name for the word passion. We chose this to be our title as it goes well with the whole thing as the plot of the story is that the male character played by Cameron Button has murdered his wife out of ‘passion’.

In our thriller there are three different types of characters. There is the main male character who in the scene of the murder seems to be a dominating, powerful character where in the second scene is the opposite with him looking more vulnerable and weak.

The second male character only appears in the second scene near the train station. This character seems a lot more controlling when he’s talking on the phone to the other character and darker and mysterious.

The female character only appears in the first scene where she plays a reasonably small part in getting murdered. This makes the character seem more like the male in the second scene (vulnerable and weak).

The titles and fonts that we used come from many thrillers that we have seen. The fonts that are used are more like the font used in the film ‘se7en’ which is quite un neat and co notates a typical physiological thriller opening.

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