Monday, 26 April 2010

Evaluation Question 6) What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process Of Constructing This Product?

In the process of making, editing and finishing our thriller we had to use a lot of technologies to help us with our research and planning as well as actually constructing our production. This included using certain websites; the main one that I used during all of this was YouTube as it helped by looking at other thriller clips to help with planning and research. (

We also used a site which helped us with choosing the suitable soundtrack for our thriller. This was a site made up of artists whose songs could be used and not subject to copyright. (

Also to get quick and easy results off your friends for research in to your thrillers are to use social networking sites. This helped me when doing my audience research as i needed quick and easy results and most of my friends are from the target audience. e.g. Facebook,Myspace etc.

My blog helped with all the thriller planning, research and constructing as it is easy to go back and look what you have done and what there is to do next. With my planning i have uploaded essays, storyboards, treatments and proposals as well as audience research tasks. It keeps all your work in place so there’s loose sheets in folders which you need to keep look out for as they may be important. It also allows for fellow class mates and teachers to give feedback nice and quick so you know what to do next.

The editing software we used was quite hard for me as i had never used it before, but gladly my partner in my group did know. We used quite an amount of editing to our thriller to help with what we wanted our thriller to look like as well as what our audience wanted it to look like. We used a darker tint on the train station scene to help it look like the day was a lot drearier as it was quite a sunny day when we shot the scene. We also used some fade to blacks and some white screens for the flashbacks which also look very good. The titles and sounds took quite a bit of time as the opening credits had to match with the person on screen and also the voice over needed cutting and putting in the right places as well as sound.

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