Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Binary opposites & Enigma

Binary opposites are pairs which are opposites which are used in film noir to create tension or conflict. An example of these are , black & white, good & evil, life & death and justice & corruption.

A particular film which uses alot of binary opposites is 'The Black Dahlia'.

This image to the opening scene diplays many binary opposites with the white, light buildings against the dark sky. this could also represent the good and bad which is also happening in this particular shot.

Enigma is the mystery of the film such as asking questions which the audience do not know whats happening in the film, but then which are later answered.

In this opening scene it may cause confusion to the audience as they do not know anything about the characters and why the drama in the scene has happened. An example of a question maybe, 'why did the woman get shit in this opening scene?'
this would then probably be answered later in the film.

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