Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Shot Lists

High Angle Long Shot/Close up:
man walking, checks watch, straightens tie and stops at scheduled spot in train yard.

Mid Shot/Tilt:
man starts to pace and keeps checking watch obviously waiting for someone or something .

Close up/mid shot:
As the time passes his nerves begin to show resulting in him breaking down into a sweat (forehead).

Mid Shot:
Second person appears at the end of the train yard and slowly walks towards the first man.

Long Shot/Tracking:
A few lines of muffled dialogue are exchanged before they both exit the train yard in the direction the first man entered from.

Long Shot/Mid Shot/Close up/Mid Shot:
The scene changes and the first man is with a woman(the sound of echoed and the picture is distorted/fuzzy) he is walking with her and seems happy.

Close up:
Scene changes again and the first man is in a car with the second man, he is looking increasingly nervous.

Close Up/Long Shot:
Scene changes the man is back with the woman and he is holding a knife and looks upset.

Close Up:
Scene changes and the man is in the car looking scared.

High Angled Mid Shot:
Scene changes once more and the woman is dead with the man standing over her.

Close Up/Tracking:
Finally we see the man once more he has started sobbing, the car comes to a halt, the man waits for man 2 to exit before he slowly exits himself.

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