Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Film Distribution In Norwich

1. How many films in total were being exhibited from vue and cinema city?

Vue has 26 films currently showing on screens whilst cinema city have approximatly 29films showing.

2.Select a range of 3 different films for each cinema. How many times is each filmed screened? What does this mean for audiences?

VUE (Wednesday 31st March)

'Shutter Island' - Showing 5 times
'Kick-Ass'- Showing 8 times
'Shank' - Showing 4 times

CINEMA CITY (Wednesday 31st March)

'A Single Man' - Showing 1 time
'A Girl With The Dragon Tatoo' - showing 2 times
'Kick-Ass' - Showing 1 time

This means for audiences that they are more likely to go to places like vue who play more 'mainstream' films as they are advertised more and are shown on screens alot more.

3.Identify the % of Hollywood films Vs British films for each cinema.

VUE - 66% were Hollywood Films
Cinema City - 30% were Hollywood Films

5. What conclusions can you draw about how different audiences are catered for in your local area?

Audiences are more likely to go to Vue cinema as they have 'big' mainstream films, more showing times with bigger and better screens. Whereas people are less likely to go see a small independent film at rare times which has barely been advertised due to lack of budget.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Audience Profile Thriller

My questionnaire and results has helped me with the way that our thriller film will be planned and made. This is because the questions answered are for the thriller genre and show how a thriller should be made.
Our target audience is intended for the audience asked which is male and female from the age varying from 16 to 18 years old. We can make sure that we cover most of the audiences answers on these questionairres by putting these in our film. Our thriller has a physiological subgenre which came second in the list of answers given. We thought this would be a good sub genre as there arent many around at the moment as they are being over powered by other genres like action and crime.
Our film will also be a mainstream film as this is what the audience seemed to like over the independent option. The audience that answered this questionnaire showed us that most people go to see a thriller film on the basis of the storyline. This means that our thriller film production must have a good storyline for people to see it.
In the results in shows that the best place to have a thriller is a place which is dark, either alleyways, undergrounds, train yards etc. This is good as we can use many of these in our thriller film.

Results For Thriller Research

i asked the same amount of people of each gender from around the ages of 16 to 18 years old.

This graph shows that thriller audiences prefer mainstream compared to independent thriller films. I think this is because the audience likes the fact of the ‘big’ budget movies and the actors or directors in the film.

In this graph it shows that the most popular type of subgenre for thriller film is action. This is then closely followed by physiological. I think action was top as most thrillers these days are based on the subgenre of action.

The audience that answered this questionnaire showed us that most people go to see a thriller film on the basis of the storyline. This means that our thriller film production must have a good storyline for people to see it.

This graph shows that thriller audiences expect thrillers to be located in dark and dreary places, more like train yards, dark streets and alleyways.

Questionnairre For Thriller Research

What’s your gender? (Please circle)
Male Female

Do you prefer Mainstream or Independent films? (Please circle)
Mainstream Independent

What thriller subgenre do you prefer?(Please circle)
Film noir
L.A noir
British Gangster

Where would you expect a Thriller Film to be located(Please Circle)
Dark alley
Dark Streets
Train yards

what mainly appeals to you in a thriller film? (Please circle)
Story line
Props used


In my findings I would like to find out if audiences prefer mainstream or independent thrillers, what connotations of a thriller they expect e.g. locations, props, costumes. What sub genre of the thriller like crime, physiological, action, film noir etc.

I am going to find out this information by carrying out a questionnaire to a target audience of male and females of around the ages of 16 to 18 year olds. This is because I believe that this is the target audience of what most thriller films are aimed at.

Results Of Audience Research

My results for my audience research were a success as i have the results and most of them came out as i thought they would.

These are the age ranges that i asked. Majority of the people asked were in the age catagory of 16 to 20 year olds as i thought these are the people more likely to go and watch films.

In these results about 65% of the audience asked prefered mainstream to independent. i think this is because people prefer to go see a movie which has a 'big' director and actors or a fiom with a bigger budget.

In the garph it shows that the most popular genre of film is comedy which is then closely followed by the thriller genre. this is because, i believe people like to go out to the cinema or just to get a dvd and have a laugh which makes them happier rather than watching something like a sci-fi or horror film.

These results came quite a surprise to me as the majority of people chose cinema over dvd or any of the other options. This is because the cinema has extortionate prices.

This graph shows that the reason why people go to see a film is because the top two answers which were the actors and the story line.

My last results were to do with where the audience saw the advertisment for a film or where they are most likely to see it. By far the most common answer was television.